Public WithEvents OutlookInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors Public WithEvents myOlExp As Outlook.Explorer Public WithEvents myIns As Outlook.Inspector 'startup Outlook Private Sub Application_Startup() Set OutlookInspectors = Application.Inspectors Set myOlExp = Application.ActiveExplorer End Sub Private Sub OutlookInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector) Set myIns = Inspector End Sub Private Sub myOlExp_InlineResponse(ByVal item As Object) 'Change the name of the style to your own 'The name is case sensitive Dim objStyleName As String objStyleName = "Custom Style 1" Dim objEditor As Word.Document Dim objStyle As Word.Style 'Check if the message is Plain Text. If so - end the macro as Plain Text does not support styles 'Bodyformat: '1 - plain text '2 - html '3 - rtf If ActiveExplorer.ActiveInlineResponse.BodyFormat = 1 Then Exit Sub Set objEditor = ActiveExplorer.ActiveInlineResponseWordEditor Set objStyle = objEditor.Styles.item(objStyleName) 'No need to set the same style again - it can break copy-paste option and duplicate text 'If you have changed style to other than defined in objStyleName program can still duplicate text If objEditor.Windows(1).Selection.Style = objStyle Then Exit Sub objEditor.Windows(1).Selection.Style = objStyle Set objEditor = Nothing Set objStyle = Nothing End Sub Private Sub myIns_Activate() 'Change the name of the style to your own 'The name is case sensitive Dim objStyleName As String objStyleName = "Custom Style 1" If myIns.IsWordMail() = False Then Exit Sub Dim objEditor As Word.Document Dim objStyle As Word.Style Dim objItem As Object Set objItem = myIns.CurrentItem 'Check if object is empty If objItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Check the type of the item np. Meeting request Dim iStringPos As Integer iStringPos = InStr(objItem.MessageClass, "IPM.Note") If iStringPos = 0 Then Exit Sub 'If the object is flagged as sent, it means this is the uneditable content If objItem.Sent = "True" Then Exit Sub 'Check if the message is Plain Text. If so - end the macro as Plain Text does not support styles 'Bodyformat: '1 - plain text '2 - html '3 - rtf If objItem.BodyFormat = 1 Then Exit Sub If myIns.EditorType = olEditorWord Then Set objEditor = myIns.WordEditor Set objStyle = objEditor.Styles.item(objStyleName) If objStyle Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'No need to set the same style again - it can break copy-paste option and duplicate text 'If you have changed style to other than defined in objStyleName program can still duplicate text If objEditor.Windows(1).Selection.Style = objStyle Then Exit Sub objEditor.Windows(1).Selection.Style = objStyle End If Set objEditor = Nothing Set objStyle = Nothing Set objItem = Nothing End Sub