Private Sub Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink _ (ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Hyperlink) 'shows hidden target sheet and 'hides sheet where hyperlink was clicked Dim strWs As String Dim strTgt As String Dim strRng As String Dim strMsg As String Dim lCut As Long On Error GoTo errHandler strMsg = "Problem with follow hyperlink code" Select Case Sh.Name Case "Instructions", "MyLinks" GoTo exitHandler Case Else strWs = Target.Parent If ActiveSheet.Name <> strWs Then 'get the target cell/range strTgt = Target.SubAddress lCut = InStr(1, strTgt, "!") strRng = Right(strTgt, Len(strTgt) - lCut) With Sheets(strWs) strMsg = "Could not select the target" .Visible = True .Activate .Range(strRng).Activate End With End If strMsg = "Could not hide the sheet" Sh.Visible = False End Select exitHandler: Exit Sub errHandler: MsgBox strMsg Resume exitHandler End Sub